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Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA) is the largest career student business organization in the world. Each year, FBLA helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business.

New Jersey FBLA History

  • The first NJ FBLA chapter was chartered on October 16, 1947, at Pennington (now Hopewell Valley Central) High School; it is chapter #112.

  • The first significant stride toward the formation of the state chapter was taken on November 11, 1960, in Atlantic City when a group of local chapter advisers met with Mr. Hollis Guy, Executive Director of FBLA and the United Business Education Association. A full-scale organizational meeting followed on December 1, 1960. Dr. Louis C. Nanassy, Professor of Business at Montclair State College (known today as Montclair State University), served as the first state chairman. Application was made for the state chapter charter; and it was granted by the national office on May 1, 1961, as State Chapter #27. The first NJ PBL chapter was chartered at Montclair State College (now University) on December 10, 1967.

  • The first FBLA state convention was held at Montclair State College on May 13, 1961. It was attended by 180 students and advisers from 13 of the 23 active chapters. Dr. Hamden L. Forkner, Professor Emeritus of Teachers College of Columbia University and founder of FBLA, delivered the main address. Mr. Hollis Guy also attended. Competitive events were conducted; state officers were elected for 1961-62; the constitution was ratified; and awards were presented.

  • The FBLA-PBL state office was located at Montclair State College until 1967. From 1967 to 1994, the organizational structure for New Jersey Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda had been managed by the New Jersey Department of Education as an in-house operation or through funded projects at Rider College. The state association was located in the New Jersey Department of Education with Ms. Mary Lynn Fracaroli, an education program development specialist, serving as FBLA-PBL State Chairman. Due to the Department of Education divesting all student vocational organizations, a grant was awarded to Mercer County Community College to manage New Jersey FBLA-PBL from July 1, 1995, to June 30, 1996. Ms. Ellen A. Benowitz was appointed the State Chairman, with Mrs. Phyllis Halperin as Education Specialist. The New Jersey Department of Education has supported the management of New Jersey FBLA-PBL under a grant award since then.

  • Currently, New Jersey FBLA-PBL is housed at Kean University's College of Business and Public Management with Dr. Jeffrey R. Victor serving as the State Chairman and Ms. Kimberly F. Clark serving as the State Adviser.  Dr. Victor is an experienced 

  • NJ FBLA-PBL national presidents:

    • Jeffrey Malloy, PBL National President, 1982-83

    • Joseph McDougall, PBL National President, 1993-93 from Rider University

    • Michael Yaroshefsky, FBLA National President, 2007-08 from Wayne Valley High School

    • Jaya Singh, FBLA National President, 2021-22 from Old Bridge High School

Mission Statement

FBLA’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.

FBLA’s programs focus on:

  • Leadership Development—members develop essential soft skills by holding chapter officer positions at the local, state, and national levels; by networking with accomplished business professionals; and by participating in business-focused workshops, seminars, and academic competitions.

  • Academic Competitions—members demonstrate their business expertise at high-profile regional, state, and national competitive events. The top students are recognized with trophies and cash awards. Learn more about FBLAFBLA Collegiate, and FBLA Middle School competitive events.

  • Educational Programs—members create career portfolios, enhance their knowledge with world-recognized skills certifications, and have access to select college scholarships. Learn more about educational programs for FBLAFBLA Collegiate, and FBLA Middle School.

  • Membership Benefits—members receive exclusive discounts and enhanced benefits for travel, education, and more. Learn about the benefits available to FBLAFBLA Collegiate, and FBLA Middle School members.

  • Community Service—members work with the March of Dimes to help end premature births by participating in awareness campaigns and the March for Babies fundraiser. Discover how FBLA, PBL, and FBLA-Middle Level members support the March of Dimes.

  • Awards & Recognition—members build a portfolio of accomplishments with a wide range of awards programs. Learn more about FBLAFBLA Collegiate, and FBLA Middle School awards programs.

FBLA-PBL Divisions

  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for high school students, with over 214,000 members and more than 5,250 chapters.

  • FBLA Middle School for junior high and middle school students, with over 21,500 members and more than 700 chapters.

  • FBLA Collegiate for college students, with over 10,000 members and more than 500 chapters.

FBLA Bylaws

FBLA is governed by a set of Bylaws, defined and interpreted by the FBLA-PBL Board of Directors. Each state chapter and local chapter also operates under a set of bylaws.

Academic Competitions

FBLA’s National Awards Program, commonly called competitive events, recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Through state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences, members compete in events that test their business knowledge and skills. Top winners in each state are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.


Advisers and members have access to publications that prepare students for careers in business, help advisers manage their chapters, and much more. Published four times a year, Tomorrow’s Business Leader is the flagship publication for FBLA and FBLA-Middle Level students and advisers. Advisers receive the Advisers’ Hotline, which is filled with tips and techniques for running an effective FBLA, FBLA Collegiate, or FBLA Middle School chapter. Advisers use the FBLAFBLA Collegiate, and FBLA Middle School Chapter Management Handbook (CMH) to manage their chapter operations. 


FBLA organizes conferences for members and advisers. These programs are designed to help members develop their business leadership, networking, career development, and social skills.

Packed with workshops and exhibits, the four-day National Leadership Conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA and FBLA Collegiate experience. FBLA has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students that achieve national ranking.

Held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, the Institute for Leaders is a high-energy, intensive, two-day seminar focuses on leadership development that gives young adults an edge in the career marketplace.

Each fall, new leaders and advisers from chapters across the nation gather for National Fall Leadership Conferences designed to foster leadership skills and team-building. The conferences include workshops, seminars, exhibits, and general sessions, as well as ample networking and social events.

FBLA Structure

FBLA is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, and organized on local, state, and national levels, with five (5) Regions at the national level.

Business teachers, advisers, and advisory councils (including school officials, businesspeople, and community representatives) guide local chapters. State advisers and committee members coordinate chapter activities for the national organization.

The FBLA concept was developed in 1937 by Dr. Hamden L. Forkner of Columbia University. The first high school chapter was chartered in Johnson City, Tennessee on February 3, 1942. In 1958, the first PBL collegiate chapter was chartered in Iowa. The Professional Division, originally the Alumni Division, began in 1979. Joining FBLA-PBL in 1994 was FBLA Middle School for students in grades 5-9. View the entire History of FBLA-PBL.

The national board of directors is comprised of local teachers, state educators, business leaders, and the division presidents.

FBLA, Inc. changed their name from FBLA-PBL to FBLA in 2021.

Funding & Endorsements

FBLA is funded by membership dues, conference fees, corporate contributions, and grants. FBLA is recognized by the Association for Career and Technical Education, International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, National Association of Parliamentarians, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Business Education Association, and the U.S. Department of Education.


  • Develop competent, aggressive business leadership.

  • Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.

  • Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise.

  • Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community.

  • Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.

  • Encourage and practice efficient money management.

  • Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.

  • Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.

  • Facilitate the transition from school to work.

FBLA-PBL Code of Ethics

I will:

  • be honest and sincere.

  • approach each task with confidence in my ability to perform my work at a high standard.

  • willingly accept responsibilities and duties.

  • seek to profit from my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work.

  • abide by the rules and regulations of my school.

  • exercise initiative and responsibility and will cooperate with my employer and fellow workers.

  • dress and act in a manner that will bring respect to me and to my school.

  • seek to improve my community by contributing my efforts and my resources to worthwhile projects.


I believe:

  • education is the right of every person.

  • the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.

  •  every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.

  • every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.

  • every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation.

  • every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.

  • I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make the world a better place for everyone.


I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda and, as an active member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader.

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New Jersey FBLA Kean University Townsend Hall 209-A 1000 Morris Avenue Union, New Jersey 07083


Main Phone: (908) 737-0236 Website:

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© 2023 New Jersey FBLA-PBL. All Rights Reserved. 

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